We are already entering the Holiday Season with Halloween underway in 3 weeks. The holiday shopping spree revolves around this big topic and getting it right can be the key to a much more successful season.

Great deals around key occasions are a big driver for buyers.

Here are the main periods Etsy is emphasizing for sale events over the next 2 months:

Hint: You want to have some form of sale running throughout the whole holiday period for maximum exposure and conversions.

1. Etsy's Early Holiday Sales Event:

October 24 - November 17

Etsy will be promoting shops with a sales promotion of at least 20% off, set up for the whole duration of the event. Participating will help you both acquire new customers and increase your conversions.

If your pricing allows for a smaller discount that's also okay, but still make sure to run a 20%+ sale on 5-10 of your listings to qualify for the additional exposure.

You can set up several promotions for every discount level and include the respective items. You can set these up in your Etsy Sales and Promotions dashboard here.

2. Etsy's Cyber Week Sales Event:

November 18 - November 30

This is the Black Friday shopping spree that can be the breadwinner for many shops. Shopping increases dramatically over these 2 weeks but it can also be quite competitive with all the noise coming from all sides.

Etsy recommends at least 20% off and you can additionally discount a small portion of your items up to 50%. This will allow you to communicate your sale as "up to 50% off" to attract more attention.

3. Communicate your sales events clearly to stand out

The question is not only when to schedule your holiday promotions, but also how you communiucate them. Customers face a lot of deals over the holidays. Make sure to include info about the sale on your Etsy cover banner and make your shop feel festive to stay on top of customers' minds. If you are running an attractive offer, you can even add small badges on your thumbnails for the duration of the event. 

Email Marketing also brings the best results with promotions and this is the perfect time to reach out to your dedicated audience of happy buyers.

2022 is an amazing year. The market is changing rapidly and everything is coming together to help top sellers shine brighter than ever before.

Have an amazing start of the Holiday Season!

Iliyan Oprev
Founder & Managing Partner

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