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What Is The Difference Between Views & Visits In Your Etsy Shop?

What is the difference between views and visits in Etsy shop stats. Both of these are important metrics of your Etsy shop, and understanding them can help you improve your shop sales potentially. Where can you see your views & visits in your Etsy store. You can find your views and visits in your Etsy dashboard and Etsy stats.

Should I Put My Etsy Shop On Vacation?

Should you put your Etsy shop on vacation mode or not? Every year as summer nears, we hear that question. Etsy offers the option to put your store in Vacation Mode. You can use it whenever you need to take a break. But should you?Unless you won't be able to answer customer messages or you will be away for more than 3 months, putting your Etsy shop in vacation mode could mean you are losing out on sales. Instead, put up a late-ship sale can capture more sales and entice return customers if done correctly.You may have heard that some Etsy sellers advise against it. And it’s true, there are experienced sellers who never use it. On the other hand, plenty do and claim it’s never harmed their shop or sales. So, which is it? And what alternatives are there?

How Many Listings To Start With On Etsy

Every Etsy shop is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all number of listings for your shop. The number of listings you should have depends on many factors like:Competitiveness of your niche.Complexity of your product.Your time and capacity.Your budget for material, storage, packaging, etc.Your goal, whether you’re aiming for a small side income or a full-time business.That being said, there are general guidelines based on my experience and observations on Etsy throughout the years.

What Should You Do When Your Etsy Shop Gets Suspended?

What to do if you stumble on a situation and get your Etsy account suspended?‍ Etsy suspends or bans accounts that are believed to have violated Etsy’s policies. Being a big platform like Etsy, there are automatic algorithm in place that flags shops for violation. And sometimes, shops may get banned mistakenly.‍So don’t panic, and let’s go through the steps to see whether you can get your shop back.

Spring Refresh On Your Etsy Store

Etsy's Mother's Day sale event is already happening and Spring Holiday Season is here. I am sure you already have your plan in place and now it's time to dive deeper into giving your Etsy store a spring refresh‍At the start of every strong season, you want to refresh your visual branding to match the overall mood of buyers and Etsy's marketing messages.‍

How to Handle Scams and Suspicious Messages on your Etsy Store

Learn to spot Etsy scams and suspicious messages. Legit messages are in the 'From Etsy' folder. Don't share personal info directly. Mark spam without responding. Scammers push for off-site communication and urgent actions. Verify URLs start with for safety. Stay vigilant.

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